Live events
Get time in the (virtual) room with today’s top experts
O’Reilly’s mission is to change the world by sharing the knowledge of innovators. That might be most apparent with our live online events, where you get to engage with the industry’s most pioneering experts and glean all the knowledge from them that you can. And don’t sweat it if you registered for one and have to miss it—video replays are available to watch later.
Live online training courses
Get intensive hands-on training in critical tech and business topics—led by instructors from the renowned O’Reilly network of innovators and expert practitioners. And yes, they’ll take your questions.
Superstream virtual events
Superstreams are like bite-size tech conferences beamed exclusively to O’Reilly members. Each event day in a Superstream series features industry experts covering the latest in software architecture, security, cloud, data, AI, infrastructure and operations, software development, and more.
Expert-led conversations
Leaders from the pinnacle of their industry come to share their insights and engage with O’Reilly members. It could be topical, technical, or focused on current events. But it’s always fascinating. Each conversation includes plenty of opportunities for these renowned leaders to answer your questions—live.
Architectural Katas challenge
Game on! Whether you’re joining a team or just want to watch, Architectural Katas is an incredible learning opportunity. An all-star lineup of judges join Neal Ford to give feedback and pick the team with the winning architecture solution that best solves a real problem for an organization working for social good.