Design pressures lead to better code and better outcomes

An interview with Martin Thompson, High-Performance Computing Specialist at Real Logic.

By Mac Slocum
January 10, 2017
Pressure gauge. Pressure gauge. (source: Peggy_Marco via Pixabay)

O’Reilly’s Mac Slocum speaks with Martin Thompson, High-Performance Computing Specialist at Real Logic. They discuss:

What are design pressures? (00:20)

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The relationship between design pressures and business requirements, and why software development is “not really an engineering discipline yet.” (01:17)

With software engineering, “we either over do it or under do it because we don’t really know what the sweet spot is yet.” (03:20)

Software guided by design pressures follows fundamentals, not trends. (04:09)

We’ll know the software industry is maturing when discussions and recruitment focus on software design fundamentals. (06:42)

The people and projects he’s following. (07:11)

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