Microservices at Netflix: Teams and services are tightly aligned and loosely coupled

An interview with Dianne Marsh, Director of Engineering, Cloud Tools, at Netflix.

By Mac Slocum
December 13, 2016
Hooks on a fence. Hooks on a fence. (source: Evan-Amos via Wikimedia Commons)

O’Reilly’s Mac Slocum speaks with Dianne Marsh, Director of Engineering, Cloud Tools, at Netflix. They discuss:

How a move to the cloud also ushered in microservices at Netflix. (00:04)

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One positive—and somewhat unintended—consequence of moving to microservices: team structure and output mirrors the services that are delivered. (00:52)

Microservices allow for quick and independent innovation. “We want our teams and services to be tightly aligned, but loosely coupled,” Marsh says. (01:29)

Dependency management is one of the biggest problems Marsh is facing. (02:23)

How do you retire an internal API? That’s a question Marsh’s team is tackling. “We can either live with the problems we have,” she says, “or we can try to solve those problems in a unique way.” (04:23)

The people and projects she’s following. (07:45)

Read Microservice Architecture to learn about the implementation and application of microservices.

Post topics: Next Architecture, Software Architecture

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