Highlights from the O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference in London 2019

Experts explore AI's most promising developments, emerging technologies, and profitable use cases.

By Jenn Webb
October 17, 2019
AI London 2019 Keynote Highlights Post

People from across the AI world came together in London for the Artificial Intelligence Conference. Below you’ll find links to highlights from the event.

When flying is cheaper than standing still

Raffaello D’Andrea presents his vision of how autonomous indoor drones will drive the next wave of robotics development.

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When to trust AI

Marta Kwiatkowska provides an overview of techniques being developed to help improve the robustness, safety, and trust in AI systems.

Real-time AI for entity resolution

Jeff Jonas details how you can use a purpose-built real-time AI to gain new insights and make better decisions faster.

Building and deploying AI applications and systems at scale

Ben Lorica and Roger Chen review how companies are building AI applications today.

The quest for high-quality data

Ihab Ilyas describes the HoloClean framework, a prediction engine for structured data with direct applications in detecting and repairing data errors.

Machine learning challenges at LinkedIn: Spark, TensorFlow, and beyond

Zhe Zhang provides an architectural overview of LinkedIn’s machine learning pipelines.

The power of knowledge at scale

Alexis Crowell Helzer outlines a practical approach to implementing machine learning.

Large-scale machine learning at Facebook: Implications of platform design on developer productivity

Kim Hazelwood and Mohamed Fawzy look at how applied ML has changed the platforms and infrastructure at Facebook.

Accelerate with purpose

Walter Riviera discusses three key shifts in the AI landscape.

Post topics: AI & ML
Post tags: AI London 2019, Signals

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