Mike Barlow

Mike Barlow is an award-winning journalist and prolific writer. He is the author of Learning to Love Data Science (O’Reilly 2015), and coauthor of Smart Cities, Smart Future (Wiley 2019), The Executive’s Guide to Enterprise Social Media Strategy (Wiley 2011), and Partnering with the CIO (Wiley 2007). He has written extensively on data science for O’Reilly Media and other global publishers.


The Resurgence of C Programming

December 27, 2016

High-level programming languages may win most popularity contests, but the venerable C language isn't going away.


Evolving architectures of FinTech

September 22, 2016

Learn how new FinTech architectures and startups are creating novel types of business models in Africa and Asia, where there are far fewer traditional banks, and in Europe and the US, where financial institutions generally avoid the market for small business loans.

AI and medicine

August 31, 2016

In this O’Reilly report, you’ll explore the potential of—and impediments to—widespread adoption of AI in the medical field.

Patrolling the dark net

August 10, 2016

Learn about the surprising origin of the dark net, and find out how you can patrol this not-so-secret domain to detect and thwart intruders.

Not all data is created equal

April 25, 2016

Some of the most profitable decisions are made by combining data in novel ways, but creative combinations of data can also spawn unknown risks. Learn how your organization can balance risk and reward in a data-driven economy.

Are your networks ready for the IoT?

March 24, 2016

The data traffic from connected smart devices and sensors is increasing rapidly. Learn about the challenges and opportunities that every sector of the economy will face in the next few years.

Smart cities, smarter citizens

September 14, 2015

Companies are looking to transform major cities through advanced computer technologies and citizens need to play a large role in turning cities into smart, livable environments.

Data and social good

August 13, 2015

Using data science to improve lives, fight injustice, and support democracy

Will Big Data Make IT Infrastructure Sexy Again?

Ah, big data. All of that information from mobile devices, social websites, interconnected sensors, and the Industrialized Internet of smart machines is tantalizing—especially since it means a renaissance in IT spending.